Austin Joseph


Career Coaching

Are you looking for career coaching? Or are you looking for how to get a career coach? Are you about to make a critical career decision? Or perhaps you’re trying to discover the right career path, but have no idea what the next step is? All you need is career coaching.

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes we can get so confused making this decision that a million questions swam through our minds.


Questions like:

  • Which career direction will be good for me to have a financially rewarding and socially relevant life?
  • Should I quit my job and pursue my passion?
  • I have no business or investments of my own, how do I survive if I lose my job?
  • I’ve started a new job but the job has nothing to do with my education, how do I build a successful career in it?
  • I’m an experienced professional but some things just don’t feel right. How do I make a difference in my field?

Perhaps you’re even having these same thoughts.

If you’re at the verge of making a life-changing career decision, don’t wait to get it right a second time out. You can get it right the first time, right away!

As an experienced career coach, I can help you:

  • Discover your natural gifts and abilities
  • Hone your talents into skills and match them with the right career path
  • Become focused and passionate about your work and career life
  • See what you can get from your chosen career 5 years from now and how to get there
  • Overcome your frustrations and kick out the one thing stopping you from becoming a star in your field
  • Defeat mediocrity so you can have an excellent career

But I can only help you get from where you are to where you want to be if you’d let me. You can take advantage of my experience in starting a Career coaching Nigeria from almost nothing to sitting on the board of several organisations today.

As a career coach, I’d love to help you succeed in your career too!

To get started now, you can fill the form on my contact page to apply for a free 15-minute consultation session where I’ll get on the phone with you to discuss your biggest struggles with leadership and the best way to solve them.

To get started now, you can fill the form on my contact page to apply for a free 15 minute consultation session where I’ll get on the phone with you to discuss your biggest struggles with leadership and the best way to solve them.