Austin Joseph

A Certified Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Being a coach is much more than fulfilling visible responsibilities; it involves setting an example, establishing high standards, and inspiring others through one’s actions and achievements. The journey of Austin Joseph exemplifies this profoundly.

My Story

Austin’s story began with a modest start: he launched a business named Obukowhor Enterprise LTD with just four pieces of shackles. In 2001, the company evolved into JC International, marking the beginning of a remarkable journey. What started with sales of shackles where he had to sell household items, such as mattresses, to provide shackles to a client, soon transformed into a major enterprise.

The company’s reputation for reliability and quality led to the expansion of its services in 2003-2004, including the fabrication of wire rope slings and inspection services. By 2005-2006, JC International was not only a preferred supplier but also a trusted inspection company, which led to the establishment of Oilfield Solutions in 2006.

The company’s evolution continued with the creation of the Test House, a facility for inspection and training services, and expanded further in 2009 with a purpose-built training school. By 2010, JC International had a state-of-the-art operating facility in Port Harcourt, including various services such as Rope Access, OPITO Rigger certifications, and more.

This growth continued with the establishment of JCI Lagos in 2011, and further expansion into pipelines, process services, and asset integrity maintenance by 2019-2020.

In 2015, the Growth Academy was founded in Lagos to focus on human capital development, mentoring, and certifications.

 In 2016, Xtreme Returns Limited was launched, diversifying into farming, agro-real estate, and training.

Austin Joseph’s journey from humble beginnings to building a multi-million-dollar empire underscores the essence of effective coaching and leadership. It’s a testament to the impact of vision, perseverance, and setting high standards.

Featured Publications

The Power of ICF Certification

The Power of ICF Certification

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Becoming a True Leader

A true leader in the workplace exemplifies qualities that inspire, guide, and positively influence their team and organization. To identify a true leader, you can primarily see it by their attitude to work and given tasks/work ethics. He is trustworthy and has a...

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